Technology for the swimming pool to save water, energy & achieve decarbonisation.
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Pwlltec Ltd for warm water recycling in Commercial Swimming Pools
Pwlltec Ltd have developed a solution to specifically address the market for water recycling in commercial swimming pools. Increased energy costs are hitting municipal and commercial swimming pools hard. To keep pools crystal clear and safe, water is continuously recirculated and filtered through sand filters that need regular back washing – meaning tonnes of heated water are put down the drain every week. The incoming cold water then has to be heated to bring it up to swimming temperature.
Unlike renewable energy installations of equivalent scale, implementation of Pwlltec sites is simpler and benefits are immediate.

“What if heated water could be recovered on site, saving water cost and energy?”
With energy costs, and the drive for sustainability, if ever there was a time for product like this, it is NOW.
Why now & why does it work?
With pressure on energy costs, as well as the drive for sustainability, if ever there was a time for product like this, it is NOW.
Energy costs, inflation, the push for sustainability are all drivers that will continue to support this market for the foreseeable future.
After extensive testing, the first system is installed and working. Data indicates that the pool will save 2000 tonnes of water per annum and energy savings (water heating) will be in the region of 44,000 kWh/year.
Savings on water, sewerage and energy mean the PwlltecEC system should pay for itself within two years.